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I set up this installation on the basis of the fact that the concepts of attraction and relationship are smilar to an ambitious gamet hat consists of mutual moves and generates a loser and winner. Having an undeniable place in our Daily life, games have penetrated into us in a more mreal way than “reality” and thus have become the greatest impulse of all humanity. It is also quite natural that a. Motive that is so intensely present in us will affect the way we relate.

In this installation, i embodied character and personality traits that are revealed in the course of a new acquaintance, as a card game with digital collages that containt different consepts such as youth, wisdom, entrepreneurship, personal development and power.

This card game takes place between two hands made of epoxy resin covered with sweat, semen or a liqıid that we cannot predict, on a plastic box used as a game table. This wet and soggy image shows us the lust and heat of the game. Under the box is a carpet with drawing of a figüre found on internet memeş. This is a figüre making love to his own brain. The carpet actually seems to make fun of this game played with seriousness and desire; it tells us that all this is a game. On the wall there is an oil painting picturing a flame; one of the first clichés that comes to mind when it comes to romance. This time, it’s not a candlelight or fireplace What incorporates us into this romance is the fire of a dragon-patterned Zippo lighter.